Tiger Crew

The Tiger-Crew...

was a group, that tried to help beginners. Our products were mostly held in german language, as many of our members and especially our consumers don't speak english very well. Moreover it would be too much effort to translate everything to english. Also it is the best way to teach someone, if you teach him in his mother tongue.
But nevertheless, take a view at our Tiger-Crew homepage! Maybe you will find an interesting link, or, perhaps you will learn something about the german language? And also the software is worth to be loaded down.

But if you want something else, which is C64-related, then try our Links!

What you can...

...find here:

Tiger Disc Our monthly(!) mag to be loaded down
TD-Online! new The Tiger-Disk-Mag can be read online now
English This page
Links Surf around the C64 Web
eXclusiv! "Die Legend of Kyril" (superb stategy game)
